Saturday, June 18, 2016

Dada the Best

Nowadays, people will be surprised if you are close to your father. Admit it or not, most kids can talk to their mom, but not to their dad. Whenever you need to ask permission to go out with classmates, you have to use the convincing power of your dear mother to support your reason and win the approval of your father. It is funny whenever your father requests to have a word with you and suddenly your mind will be filled out with worries that it might be because of your failing grades, secret relationship, or school offense, or maybe it is because he knew that you spent your one week allowance when you hung out with your friends last night. But have you ever thought that sometimes your dad just wants to talk to you. As simple as that. Not to discuss your fault or a problem, but to know what is going on with you. He might be as quiet as a calm river of utmost time at home, but don’t forget to recognize his heroism on this special day and even every day! Treat your real life superman because he is an absolute…

            Your dad works not because he always wants to see cash in his wallet, but he wants to sleep at night in peace knowing that he provided his family’s necessities.

            Your dad talks less than your mom but he has the most tangible rule in the house. He set standards and point out restrictions for everyone under the roof of his supervision.

Good Example
            Your dad knows that his children follow his actions as an example more than they remember his advices.

            Your dad’s presence in your house gives each family member an assurance that they have a protector on duty all night long.

            Your dad believes that the best lifetime gift that he can give his kids is to love their mother faithfully.

            Your dad might not get the highest degree in education, but his words of wisdom traveled an extra mile to influence you as a growing person.

            Your dad is not as cool as your school buddy, but you can always talk to him. He is a good and loyal friend who can listen and provide a shoulder to cry on all the time.

            Your father is not a perfect person, he can mess up sometimes just like you. But his role in your family is important just like the role of your mother. He is the foundation and a great source of strength of the family. And always remember that he is your father, a very special man who raises you not to be like him but aiming to be better than him. J